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Sugar Loaf Guild : The Hidden History of Sugar Loaf, NY


       Sugar Loaf, NY 10981

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Location Photos
Historical Museum
Walking Map
360° of Integration
Meeting Minutes
Delaware/Hudson CANVAS  

18th Century Furniture
Anne Marie's Deli
Boone Woodcarvings
Past Characters
Practical Magick

That Kind of Town
Candle Maker
Makers and Breakers
Four Step Process
Jon Baugh
Too Much Good Thing
Cutting Room Floor
Truth Beauty Art
Artist Communities


Chamber of Commerce
Chester Historical Soc.
Diva Dog Pet Boutique
Ohio Shorthair Rescue

Interactive walking map
Walking Map

Bostree Gallery
Boswell Pottery
Rosner Soap
Sundog Stained Glass

My Sister's Closet
Sugar Loaf Records

Food & Drink
Anne Marie's Deli
Glenmere Mansion
TapHouse Grill

Bee Positive
Connie Rose
Luft Gardens
Olivia Baldwin
The Country Life

  Updated Sep 15, 2017 | By Bob Fugett

    FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Guild Mission Statement?

The Mission Statement of the Sugar Loaf Guild is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

a) make it yourself
b) open your studio to the public
c) keep full-time hours

Who are you guys?

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

When and where do you meet?

08/18/17 update: Meetings are currently on hiatus until public demand makes them a necessity again (previous schedule retained below), in the meantime you may filter all comment through the new improved Chamber of Commerce.

Weekly meetings are held Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended and narrowly focused.

They are hyper fast, currently shorter than 10 minutes, but super productive.

For more and where see the Meeting Minutes linked as a subheading under FAQ on the vertical menu bar at left of all Guild pages.

How much are Guild dues?

There are no dues.

Here is the deal with the Sugar Loaf Guild:

1) There are no dues.
2) There are no long drawn out unfocused meetings.
3) There are no responsibilities you do not assign to yourself.

Every business in town is represented but focus is on the resident and/or full time artisans.

We are only concerned with:

1) make it yourself
2) open your studio to the public
3) keep regular full-time hours


What are the Guild Benefits for having a business in Sugar Loaf?

Free 360 surrounds, free social media socket campaigns, free specialized print ad campaigns, free mailings, free makeovers, free computer support, free categorized product promotion, plus more free goodies for every shop in Sugar Loaf, NY ... artisan or not.

Caveat: There are those who have tried to repeat these free services as a very expensive paid for program, so be careful and let us repeat - this is all provided free to every business open to the public in Sugar Loaf.

More at: Financial Statement and Forum Post #6518.

Is the Sugar Loaf Guild associated with the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce?


08/18/17 update: The Guild should still be considered as a clearly distinct group independent of the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce, but the horrid people who took over the weakened Chamber and were attacking us daily have now left town, so it is less important for us to draw a clear dividing line between our activities and the renewed Chamber of Commerce.

In fact the new leadership of the Chamber thanked us on their official website for our donation as benefactors:


Is the Sugar Loaf Guild associated with the Sugar Loaf Foundation?



What sort of group is the Sugar Loaf Guild?

The Guild is an anti-group insurrection with a floating ad hoc membership; it is merely Bob's response to the lethargy found in organized bodies where group dynamics hinder the creative and growth potential of individuals within the membership.

The Sugar Loaf Guild is just a way to organize information and get things done, such as this website and the very successful Sugar Loaf Guild town brochures.


What is in it for Bob?

The Guild is just another of Bob's many hobbies, though he does recognize that if the strong artisan businesses in Sugar Loaf disappear, he will also disappear.

Back in the day when Bob spent a great deal of time giving tours of his music and media studio many people would comment, "Wow, you guys are making a living doing exactly what you want. That must be nice."

Bob would respond. "I once saw a documentary about the California condor which closed with the statement, 'The condor is more than just bones, flesh and feathers; it is a place, and when the place is gone the condor will be gone.' Just like the condor: if Sugar Loaf is gone, I am gone."

Bob has always done what he can to avoid being gone.



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KEYTAP  Publication
Sugar Loaf, New York  10981